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The sense of touch is a powerful thing. This is especially true for those of us who are brand new to the world. The impact of skin-to-skin contact in newborns and infants has been widely studied. Clinical studies demonstrate that those who experienced skin-to-skin contact with their caregiver as a child show positive markers later in life [1, 2].

What Is Skin-to-Skin?

For anyone who has never heard of the concept, skin-to-skin contact is as simple as it sounds. It's touching or cradling an infant directly to your skin. Research shows that this act immediately improves heart rate and reduces stress markers in both the child and caregiver [1]. It also helps to strengthen the bond between caregiver and child, and in long-term studies improves relationships even years later [2]. 

How To Increase Touch

Try incorporating a skin-to-skin regimen with your child by making bath time a sensory experience. Use Healthy Baby Hair & Body Wash and Healthy Baby Body Lotion to gently massage your child. When you dry them, spend some time in an embrace. This not only provides the benefits of skin-to-skin contact but also gives you the opportunity to better assess and care for your baby's skin. 


[1] Cooijmans, K. H., Beijers, R., Rovers, A. C., & de Weerth, C. (2017). Effectiveness of skin-to-skin contact versus care-as-usual in mothers and their full-term infants: study protocol for a parallel-group randomized controlled trial. BMC pediatrics, 17(1) 

[2] Bigelow, A. E., Power, M., MacLean, K., Gillis, D., Ward, M., Taylor, C., ... & Wang, X. (2018). Mother–infant skin‐to‐skin contact and mother–child interaction 9 years later. Social Development27(4), 937-951.

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